Mark R. Filippi, D.C. has practiced behavioral chiropractic for the last 20 years in private practice. But his work has always had an eclectic flavor and a vitalistic edge to it that drove him to the cutting edge. In addition to being a peer-reviewed published clinical researcher, Dr. Filippi has also been a field consultant and post-graduate instructor since 1997. Somewhere in there, the fields of somatics, memetics and nonlinear dynamics conspired to rescue Dr. Mark from everyday clinical life. His discoveries propelled him to develop the tools he shares here. He's made over 40 formal presentations at interdisciplinary conferences and was chosen Chiropractic Researcher Of The Year by the World Chiropractic Alliance in 2001. He has served as Associate Editor for the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research since 2001. His current work is being applied to the role of neurobiology in social relationships and the entrainment of both prosocial and antisocial behavior.
Dr. Mark is the Yapster General of Soma Space. In the aftermath of Katrina, he launched an audio blog called The Internal Optimist to help the Red Cross and other emergency responders through what were some really dark days. People still drift over there to get a dose of his 'filosophy' today.
He's still occupying the captain's seat and running the table at Soma Space, the land-based headquarters for all things domainifiable. He still wants to finish his book (which one?). He still would rather just hang out at a movie or a diner and talk soma, so the place there resembles a living room more than a doctor's office. You can find him there most nights, typing away in his trusty t-shirts & jeans, piles of textbooks and music playing, usually over some game on TV. If he sounds irreverent, the rest of the stuff posted below will go a long way to just convince you...he is.
Primary Domain: ECO - what's this you say? Check out my new e-book primer - The S-List
Professional Titles: Chiropractor, Master NLP Practitioner
Career CV 1991-2004 (after that I stopped keeping track): (click here)
5 From Filippi - Some Links That Have Lingered On The Web
The YES Library FREE Resources + The YES Factors FREE e-Book + The Internal Optimist Audio Blog
Dr. Mark's Research Paper, Part 1 + Dr. Mark's Research Paper, Part 2
Contact Information
V-mail: (914) 833-3388