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**You need Microsoft Excel in order to use this program.
Click on the link. A new window will open up in Excel. Score each sentence as follows: 1=doesn't sound at all like me... all the way through 5=yes, this is so me!
Don't change anything on the spreadsheet except that one column of zeros which will now represent your individual scoring. Do not touch the right side of the sheet at all-an automatic calculation will be done for you.
How to track your results...
First some caveats...
We live in the 4 domains, the domains are not in us... So a profile is just that; a slice of that relationship. It's more valuable to see the domains as orientations we occupy for 4 second intervals than static hard-wired identities we cannot shift out of. It'd be like a car that only went reverse. We need to be able to shift gears and adapt to the task at hand. This matters whether you're asking a stranger for directions or having a heart to heart with your child or partner. So if you took Self-Profiler 1 and your results differ here, relax. In fact, rejoice! What you'll discover in Universal Somatics is that nothing is set in stone. The more you've internalized a given narrative, the more often you'll exhibit the behaviors, perspectives and habits that domain offers you. It's a disservice to walk away from any of this work with another silly label stuck to yourself. The aim of the self-profilers are to sharpen the awareness of the way you view yourself and your life experiences through this deep biological filter.
So the conversation in your head will shift from what is was to a more organized, or coherent one that emphasizes how these narratives influence your behavior. That'll help you know why you tend to more open to certain types of ideas, entertainment, technology etc...The name of the game is to notice if your behavioral choices are natural and in sync with your life or if they're forced and warped. That feedback alone tells you it's time to tweak your narrative...but how? Aha, that's where this advanced response analysis may be the key.
As we already said....
On any given profile, the narrative with the highest score is your PRIMARY domain, which is the one that has the most coherent story about you in it. But there’s more…The other three narratives are your SECONDARY domains. Within those narratives, you'll notice that there are you rated highly. Those scores are signatures you can use from those domains to open your 'identity' up and in effect, color your primary domain with these supportive alternatives.
Take a look at the right side of the score sheet...
The spreadsheet shows you 8 columns, one for each of the statements you rated in each of the 4 narratives. What this table does is 'weigh' your answers for each statement or signature and shows you what is even deeper than the domains or the signatures within them...
A really brief introduction to the IN-8 Patterns...
When Universal Somatics was still being codified back in the late 1990's, the research template centered on applying the theory of the holonomic brain. The idea was to develop a way to 'eavesdrop' on the involuntary side of the nervous system to help the individual use their self-regulatory abilities to meet their core biological need for rhythmic, waveform tonality.
Breaking through the wall of noise that the high-tech era of healthcare was building required using a language common to both technology and culture alike. That language is called pattern recognition. It goes to the heart of human communication and it transcends any provincial jargon designed to impede practitioner-patient cohesion. It also compels programmers to keep software streamlined and focused on sharing their information in a format that the public can utilize. The key dialect of pattern recognition concerns the use of octal coding of binary systems. We use octal coding with our everyday interactions with technology, like when we dial a phone, check e-mail, or use an ATM. We also use octal coding at other-than-conscious levels to shape our behaviors and derive meaning from our experiences. Connecting these two worlds through the practice of wellness principles is fast becoming a priority for everyone interested in getting to the core of human nature.
Keys of Octal Coding: Binary systems in computers code their data into 1’s and 0’s. When you look at task commands, they look like long strings of numbers, like this…
011 000 100 111
001 010 001 011
010 111 010 010
What early programmers came up with was a shorthand to condense these long lists into a meaningful format. They broke up every set of twelve numbers into groups of three. Next, they gave each position in the subset of three a value – for example, a “1” in the first position was worth “4 points”, in the second “2 points” and in third “1 point”. This established a scale to weigh each subset on. This transforms the list above to this: 3047, 1213, 2722
The human retina takes this to complex levels to encode light patterns for the brain.
The magic behind octal coding is revealed with this simple chart below.
0 means
0 0 0
1 means
0 0 1
2 means
0 1 0
3 means
0 1 1
4 means
1 0 0
5 means
1 0 1
6 means
1 1 0
7 means
1 1 1
Going back to the previous example, the “3” in the octally coded “3047” breaks down to the subset of 0 1 1, which becomes 0 +2 +1 or “3” according to the 4-2-1 point value system. Essentially the process is tied to only eight possible outcomes, running from zero to seven (4+2+1=7). This fundamental language forms the foundation of computer logic and also can be traced to many advanced forms of recoding memory in humans.
The Distribution of Attention
How You’re Feeling How You’re Thinking How They’re Acting
Pattern 1
Physically Tense
Mentally Alarmed
Socially Unaware
Pattern 2
Physically Tense
Mentally Alarmed
Socially Aware
Pattern 3
Physically Tense
Mentally Alert
Socially Unaware
Pattern 4
Physically Relaxed
Mentally Alarmed
Socially Unaware
Pattern 5
Physically Tense
Mentally Alert
Socially Aware
Pattern 6
Physically Relaxed
Mentally Alarmed
Socially Aware
Pattern 7
Physically Relaxed
Mentally Alert
Socially Unaware
Pattern 8
Physically Relaxed
Mentally Alert
Socially Aware
end of really brief introduction ~
The 'so what' to all that is that if you wipe out the scores from the primary domain you are left with a PIN to the octal code of your behavior for that profile. This is how it breaks down when you look at the way your responses 'weighed' the 8 statements within the 4 narratives. It's in these primal patterns of adaptation that we weave through the signatures of the domains to impact our life narrative...
So now what?
Well, now that you've gone this far, you may as well get something useful...The way to really get the deeper meaning of Self-Profiler 2 is to align these aspects of your responses.
Primary Domain -- Does you score match your results from Self-Profiler 1 or not? If it did then that would serve to confirm your feelings from that experience. The best way to challenge that is to re-take both profiles the same week of the next season according to the Coherence Calendar. Remember we live in the domains. They're part of nature. We humanize them and then personify their signatures. But we are not our primary domains. Forget that one. If you get different findings, notice if you feel more attracted to one or the other. Again, the lesson is to remind yourself a profile is not a's like a page in a book. The statements are like paragraphs on that page. It's more useful to learn to know which one you 'identify' with more on the inside and then apply that awareness to your behavioral choices.
Secondary Domains -- Again, same deal, only more detail. In Self-Profiler 1, you are more focused on determining which narrative speaks to you the most. Now you have as Paul Harvey would say, the rest of the story. What these other 3 domains do is play the role of your supporting actors in your life's drama. They will offer you many tempting opportunities to try an alternative view to the one your primary domain has rooted in you. What you learn by doing Self-Profiler 2 is how much each of the Secondary Domains 'weigh' and then how each of the signatures align in you. This can help you get oriented quicker when you take the bait and take them up on one of their offers. It's like have a friend in another city. Go visit them.
Signatures -- The best part of Self-Profiler 2 is that you can see how the statements you rated as components of each domain's narrative whole. As you learn to recognize these aspects in yourself and other people, you'll understand that many times a person's behavior has been running on a default setting out of the habit of being in that domain/point of view for so long without realizing it. As you get sensitive to where each domain draws it's Sense of Coherence you can use the bodily feedback you experience as you guide to know which of the 4 domains has the most clarity in you right now. Wait until you see this stuff in others!
IN-8 Patterns -- Whew! Now your really dealing with some backwater stuff. I wrote a research paper on these suckers back in 1999-2000 in the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation that made a lot of people confused, some really angry and the rest just ignored as some kind of crazy Unabomber manifesto. All you need to know is in those charts above so you can use them to link the source of each domain's coherence with your sense of coherence to create a state of coherence - something that's called entrainment in the trade. But let all that go and glean this from the octal code - it contains a supersymmetry we can apply...
When you look at you IN-8 pattern data minus the dampening influence of your primary domain find the pattern with the highest score and the one with the lowest. Their 4 pairings to note.

So the idea is that if your profile is coherent at the level of the IN-8 Patterns, your high and low scores will match up as you see here; 1 and 5, 2 and 6, 3 and 7, 4 and 8. The high score pattern creates the gradient (like a hill) that runs to it's partnered pattern. This is absorbed by the signatures, which in turn impacts the domains. Usually, the primary domain masks all this. So as you sit way up there in your personality, which is now like the third re-telling of the narrative, the life issues you're dealing with have been bubbling up from these components of your somatic core.
There's more to know about these IN-8 Patterns, but for now, let's just say that if your pairing is not one the four we mentioned, look at the statements that are linked to your high score pattern.
For example, if you're high score pattern was #3, review how you rated statement 7 in all 4 narratives. That's the one you need to de-emphasize now in order to allow the Secondary Domains to be more supportive of you when you'd like an alternative way to express yourself. If it helps, I ended up creating a self-inquiry process to sort of speak back to this ocean of adapation...
Pattern 1 Question
AKA: The Wicked (s)Witch
Where am I?
Pattern 2 Question
AKA: The Itsy-Bitsy Spider
Where am I going?
Pattern 3 Question
AKA: The Karma Chameleon
What’s _______ with me?
Pattern 4 Question
AKA: The Cowardly Lion
What does _______ mean?
Pattern 5 Question
AKA: The Ninja Turtle
Who’s in my way?
Pattern 6 Question
AKA: The Tin Man
Why do/did we do/did this/that?
Pattern 7 Question
AKA: The Scarecrow
What’s the point?
Pattern 8 Question
AKA: The Good (s)Witch
What was the question?
As you can see, these questions have no correct or incorrect response. The gist is that the series of inquiries take you in a loop, in fact, a mobius strip, that will help us in a minute. As you cycle through these over and over, you'll find that you drift deeper on certain ones and others you pass right through. Coincidence? I think not. This is the best way to discover how the eight patterns play their way into and out of your nervous system. The clearer you become, the more these questions fade. Ask them of others, some literally, some in your head. Try it til you don’t hear the questions anymore, you start to feel them hang there in the moment. Then wait….your heart is about to answer.
If you just can't get enough of this stuff...
Here's a few links to others who have surfed the octal code along the way...
The Octave of Energy
Timothy's Leary Eight Circuits Of Consciousness
The 8 Basic Scripts
Antero Alli's 8-Circuit Brain
Antero Alli's Neuropharmacy of an 8-Circuit Brain