Welcome to the Soma Bytes community. I'm Joy Radulovic and I'm a unqiuely suited person to be your liason to Dr. Mark. I must have told 1000's of people about him over the last 20 years. I've been his co-worker, his office manager, his client and his staunchest supportor since we met back in 1991. Trying to get people to understand "Filippi" has never been easy. I've mastered the art of translating him back to the world of the living. So listen to each audio once straight through and laugh at the stories and all the wild ideas he'll throw at you. Then go find examples of them in your life. You'll find yourself pointing at the behavior, attitude and energy of others in Dr. Mark's world of the 4 domains. I still have to strain to get past my ONTOness...but I'm your best friend in this process because I'll make sure you get the advice you need to make your life clearer, deeper and truer to your nature. Feel free to send me your comments, questions and anything else you think can expand and enlive our audios. Hope to hear from you soon!
Any other questions? Ping me directly by clicking the quote bubble...