April 4, 2010
On Tap...
I want your Soma Stories! Call my testimonial line 1-800-609-9006 x2336 and leave me a message. Tell me how using these tools helped you face a career/life transition, health issue or relationship conflict. International callers may use 678-255-2174. I'll post them on a group page so we can share your story here. If you're too shy to call, just leave a text message and your contact info on Audiogenerator's Supertestimonial page. It's very generic...it literally asks you how you like our product! LOL. I never knew I was a product, but roll with it. You'll get a different number to call if you change your mind. You can add a pic too! Try it now >> here
Coherence Corner...

Mother Nature is in the middle of changing the set and we're about to raise the curtain on the mid-season New Moon. We get started on WED, as our collective Spring Break ends and we embrace the EXO lunar energy as we head into the weekend. This begins a 3-week period of WED lunar changes actually. Prepare for some bumpy travel sapes as the Sun and Moon do their best Yankee-Red Sox impersonation all month. What side of the soma are you on? Get your Spring Cleaning done this week so when we reach the seasonal accommodation point between the 11th and 14th, your system is ready to embrace the demands ahead. These 30 days of APR are crueler if you don't.
The 2010 Spring Coherence Calendar is here! It has the SIMPLES schedule, audio and link to the written page as well as the Spring Season's entraining resources, which are posted at http://www.somaspace.org/springsmarts.html - All the Spring Secrets from OVI will be added there each week, so cut & paste them and spread some soma to your sapes...Go vernal and celebrate Spring with some somatic awareness...
Too frickin' fried for something new? Get yourself in tune by doing your SIMPLES with me now. I sed now!!!
Here's my next Spring Secret of the season to inflict on your family & friends (and that special PITA in your life!)
Spring Pickin's
Select a part of your life that is congested, confusing or otherwise cramping your style. Get an index card and jot down all the obstacles in it on one side and THIS TOO SHALL PASS on the other side. Read the obstacle side and then flip to the other side each day for the next week or so. The combination of those opposites thaws your mind. After a week, place the card in an envelope. Open it on July 4th and see if your free of the obstacles and the course.
If you're already a client on-site, lower your social stress by sending me the people you need at their best.
If they're too far away or prefer to work on-line, point them to the Soma Sky! I'll be in the clouds waiting...

The APR schedule is posted, just click the banner. If you have a group or organization looking for a convenient, affordable place to meet just pop me an e-mail at nakedsoma@gmail.com and we'll get you booked up here...
Do'media! EXOficto...
I have to confess that Mike Francesa and I go way back...I've listened to his WFAN career unfold since the late 80's. But he represents a pre-internet era of sports talk that has largely given way to the sports gossip we get 24/7 now. What happened? Was it better when the experts and athletes lived in a media-insulated bubble? Are we all living in that same bubble now and just don't see it because sports has become less about escape and more like society?
I'll have more than that to say about it in the Soma Nuse & experts we find on the SAPEVINE on this WED's show...
Do you have any experts in your circle on this? LMK, just e-mail me at nakedsoma@gmail.com
For more detail on this WED's edition of "Soma Time" at 9pm ET click the Yapster Alerts...
Do yourself a favor and get introduced to the 4 domains...

Yapster Alerts
Pre-Show Live Chat - every WED @8:30pm-showtime ET
Stop by the chat room at 8:30pm ET before the radio show. I'll be there for 30 minutes to take your questions, concerns and quibbles and answer them on the air! Just go to out Chat Room link on the nav bar above or click through from here - http://www.somaspace.org/chat.html -Create a user name and enter the room. Just like life, eh? Check out the Yapter Alert below for this week's preview.
Each SOMA TIME show begins with a look at what's bugging us all out there. Please, for the love of God, vent here... If I read your contribution on the air, you'll receive a special stress addressing gift courtesy of yours truly...

To get the jump on what I'll be yapping about this WED, click the pic to preview.

WED APR 7th 9pm ET
Listen back to the last week's show now...
Markaphor Dujour

I confess my command of the English language can stand some improvement. As you travel with me through the wilds of Soma Space, my well-travelled lingo will inevitably surface in our conversations. Below I've offered one the more common phrases I may utter this time of year from what can be called my filosophy...
Exformation A concept from the work of Tor Norretranders in his book, The User Illusion. He writes, "A message has depth if it contains a large quantity of exformation. If, during the process in which the final message is formulated by a specific person, a mass of information that was present in the consciousness of that person is discarded, and thus absent from the message, we have exformation." So coherent communication is dependant upon a conscientious source producing massive amounts of exformation to ensure that the receiver gets the message in his/her 'map'. It's as if the universe has a marketing department that tailors messages to its target audience. On a personal level, the congruency between our verbal and non-verbal communication serves as a way to monitor how conservative our efforts to express ourselves actually works. Tor offers this: "Any language, any description, any consciousness, consists of information that is the result of exformation. Enormous amounts of information have to be discarded before we can be conscious. So in the final analysis, this consciousness and its expression can be understood and grasped only when it is anchored in what discarded all the information: the body." Are you starting to see how this might relate to somatics, may just a little?

The Weekly Webletter of Woo Wisdom From Docta Mark