Self-improvement represents a $10 billion per year industry in the U.S. alone. In addition to high revenues, self-help also has a high recidivism rate, with the most likely purchaser of a self-help book being the same person who purchased one already in the last 18 months. REF
That said, let's unravel this fractal...
To win, go within...
The reason why a lot of these attempts to change behavior fail is the tools that are offered are crude and generic. They offer a lot of targets but not the tests, tasks and ways to navgate the tangents to get to them. So after a few go rounds, the whole process seems futile but what else can people do? The system that created the need for a self-improvement industry in the first place was already making people toxic, desperate and delusional. Almost 40 years later, it's institutionalized into society that we all need to try to change, improve, transform etc... And sometimes the message is the exact opposite right? Just be still, live in the now, let go...really? So either tear yourself up attempting to decipher a way to achieve lasting change or sit still and use the Law of Attraction or some other mental magic trick to get there? I'm sorry but I'm from the boulevard. That's not self-help...that's self-hell. I'll let my old friend George segue us into how I can get a few of us out of this daisy chain and get them from A to B. God I miss that dude!
Living Woo 101
If you're over the age of 25, and especially if you're over 30 years old, any changes you make in your behavior will require radical, massive time and effort. Most of us never get more than a slight shift in our patterns, even when facing imminent death! So if our own mortality isn't a strong enough motivation, what is? That's where this Personal Entrainment Program (PEP) is so different.
The PEP will not solve all your worldly problems...
The PEP will not make you happy, successful or superhuman...
The PEP will not chase away your inner demons...
The PEP will not promise you some fantasy future life...
All the PEP will do is provide you a steady diet of the truth in your terms.
That truth will be in the form of knowing how your wired and being able to leverage that.
Playing to your strengths is sooooo much easier than defending your weaknesses.
Living Woo is about adding more meaning to your inner life...
not more points on the scoreboard in your outer life
Vitality is not a function of your health, age, level of sanity, or social status
It's a measure of how much you impact the well-being of others just by being ALIVE!
So the PEP aligns you on a seasonal basis with the resources you need to...
Seek and share the most coherent aspects of the behaviors you naturally do well
Use the seasonal change as a chance to reset your focus on where the clearest path is for you
Simplify your diet and environment to and get tons of other ways
to support your tonality to play off the seasonal cues we're given
Get access to audios that can help you restart your day on the go
and give you low-tech ways to handle the world of numbness we're in
Get fast takes on all the far out stuff out there that makes no sense but still works
I'll share the books, articles, interviews, podcasts and whatever else I find with you
So OK, Filippi, how much for all this wisdom and glory?
$150.00 gets you two months of support that includes your personal somatic profile
and a lifetime of social awareness that you will own to your bones...
All of this is just a two minute no fuss survey away... That's what? $2.50 a day for taking you off the stats sheets of the damned?