Moon Over Matter!
The Somatic Companion
Your 30 Day Emotional Makeover
We know how difficult it is to change self-limiting behaviors, even when you're gung-ho and totally open to the process. Many of these long-standing issues have complex and often deeply internalized patterns that try as you might, remain inaccessible. Maybe that's why even in the face of life-threatening illness, people seem to struggle to get out of their own way. Take a look for yourself in this article: Change Or Die: Fast Company, May 2005
We designed a program that digs deeper and returns you to your biological roots. We call it The Somatic Companion: Your 30-Day Emotional Makeover. This is an interactive audio product that guides you to a state of clarity and awareness of the core elements of your body's language. According to that article link above, "80% of the health-care budget was consumed by five behavioral issues:...too much smoking, drinking, eating, and stress, and not enough exercise." We need to stop labeling these behaviors and get leverage on them from the inside-out. Here's an overview of what you'll learn.
This program introduces the six core elements of Universal Somatics, which is based on our scientific research over the last 15 years. Each one teaches you how to better read and react to the social world by using the common ground of body language in a way that'll reveal your unique rhythms of self-expression. Universal Somatics asks us to ride the waves of experience by shifting our attention to events that take place inside and outside that self we think is ‘us’. This instills a dynamic sense of identity that is more fluid within its environment.
Each day you'll listen to a short 7-10 minute audio that will guide you away from the self-preservation of our survival instincts to open up your identity. You'll learn 3 new truths...
1) Your emotions arrive in you, not from you. It all comes down to physical shifts in attention.
2) Your identity exists outside your physical body, which uses experience to lock into it.
3) Your feelings are a blend of memories and experiences of both of those recurring events.
What these audios do is generate Positive Physiology, which is something most of us never learned how to notice. Instead we were taught to live in reaction to our body and the events life brings us. Positive Physiology is an untapped capacity we have as human beings to live in a rhythmic relationship with our environment. The ‘surfing lessons’ are out there every time we face change and welcome it’s energy, rather than resist falling off the tightrope. Instead of tweaking with our self-esteen and trying to hold ourselves up to some external standard, we can call up our self-eXtreme (our appetite for change) and use what were ego-crushing events as cues to turn inward and renew ourselves. Making that transition requires an interpreter who speaks our own body's language. This program introduces you to that interpreter. We even include the PDF for the 140+ page transcripts too so you can follow along and re-read the sections that speak to you the most.
Meet The Voices Behind "The Somatic Companion"
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