2010 Spring Coherence Calendar

What's a SIMPLE?
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Spring Smarts Somatic Seasonals

[visit http://www.somaspace.org/springsmarts.html printable version or just listen along here]
Spring Secrets
OVI #13 - MAR 7th
Bear & Cats
Right about now most of us are craving the early Spring's vibrancy. I just left a morning movie (Alice In Wonderland, strong B+) and walked out into the courtyard outside the theater to see a crowd of people shedding their coats and scarves and openly basking in the 50 degree sunshine. Those are the first BEARS coming out of the cave of Winter's ice-o-lating rhythm. Yet some of us will not be seduced by a few rays of light and warmth. They know there are damp and dreary rainy days ahead, and maybe one last annoying snowstorm. Those are the cool CATS who prefer to curl up inside and await the sweet smell of a real Spring breeze in May. These 'Lions In Winter' are hanging out at the back of the cave with the last BEARS, still impervience to Springs initial signs. So the dealio this week as we venture out into the Somatic Spring is, are you feeling more like a BEAR or a CAT? Well?
OVI #14 - MAR 14th
Spring Swirl
Begin by standing with your feet about step outside of shoulder's width. Interlock your fingers and then raise them, palms up, overhead. Close your eyes and begin to twist to the right on the next breath in. As you exhale, untwist all the way to the right, keeping your feet in place so you're turning at the waist only. Do 6-12 full turns to both sides, then repeat eyes open.
OVI #15 - MAR 22nd
Spring Preening
I tend to link vanity with sanity. Recognizing your vanity is a great marker for the degree of sanity you're carrying at any given time. Spring is a time when that process gets put to the test. Spend some time lingering ethis week in a mirror, fully clothed and ready to face the world. See your reflection as a total stranger. Would you want to meet you today? Then repeat that process...naked! This time see your reflection as your most intimate friend. Do you look comfortable in your own skin. Are you critical? What would you 'upgrade'? What would you look/feel like?
OVI #16 - MAR 28th
Leaster Basket
Holiday weeks tend to crowd us into social corners that we go through all kinds of gyrations to avoid. Use your downtime this week to discover the 'least of your problems'. Jot down the 3 most pressing things on your mind on a piece of paper. Carry that in your front right pocket or tuck it under the visor in your car. Just the act of externalizing them will free up space. Then shift gears and name 3 things that are 100% out of your circle of influence. Get creative here...the wind speed on Neptune...the left-handed bullpen specialist for the Toledo Mudhens...when it rains in Death Valley...stuff like that. The more ridiculous the thought the better. Try & get to 100 by Easter...then rejoice!