The 4 Domains Self-Profiler 2
Rate each statement in each of the 4 narratives on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is 100% ‘not you’ and 5 is 100% ‘all you’ in your personal experience. Treat them like 4 different stories about you. Read each one top to bottom, score each line and move on to the next one. When you’re done, the narrative with the highest score is your PRIMARY domain, which is the one that has the most coherent story about you in it. But there’s more…The other three narratives are your SECONDARY domains. They are the subtext that gets embedded in your PRIMARY domain’s narrative and the statements with the higher scores are signatures you use from those domains to ‘open’ your identity up…
Narrative #1
Statement 1: _____
Statement 2: _____
Statement 3: _____
Statement 4: _____
Statement 5: _____
Statement 6: _____
Statement 7: _____
Statement 8: _____
Narrative #1
Statement 1: _____
Statement 2: _____
Statement 3: _____
Statement 4: _____
Statement 5: _____
Statement 6: _____
Statement 7: _____
Statement 8: _____
Total Score: _____
Narrative #1
Statement 1: _____
Statement 2: _____
Statement 3: _____
Statement 4: _____
Statement 5: _____
Statement 6: _____
Statement 7: _____
Statement 8: _____
Total Score: _____
Narrative #1
Statement 1: _____
Statement 2: _____
Statement 3: _____
Statement 4: _____
Statement 5: _____
Statement 6: _____
Statement 7: _____
Statement 8: _____
Plot Your Life Story
If you've had enough and you just want to get the big idea about all this click below The 4 Domains Cliff Notes
But, if you need to really hose down the neurons, try this version of Self-Profiler 2
Self-Profiler 2 - Excel Sheet