Become a local sponsor for one or both of our on-site "LIVE SOMINARS"
Soma Sponsor Business Relationship Overview
You pay nothing! 20% of the attendees' fee is yours to keep. Scheduling is first come, first serve, and subject to availability, but we generally like about 10 business days advance notice for an optimal experience. Soma Space requires a minimum of 15 people pre-paid three days prior to your TSM event. Additional costs for travel beyond 100 miles are factored in at the time of event confirmation. Standard fee is $100 per attendee , which includes the workshop and any related web resources. Here's an overview of the workshops we're currently offering...

TSM's 'Life In The Fast Brain' Live Workshop [LITFB]
What better way to get your first taste of TSM than in a group experiential workshop! We'll spend a lively two hours introducing you to the basic practices of the Method. If you've ever wondered where your edge goes when you lose it, this workshop will give you a GPS to find it. You'll learn how to transform our longevity-promoting exercises (self-optimization), into a portable awareness (which we call behavioral modernization), to finally develop a powerfully entrained and internalized rhythm (social fitness) by integrating the personal and social aspects of TSM. The best part of the LITFB format is that we can customize the presentation to meet the needs of your guests. Plan a LITFB party for your friends, VIP clients, workout partners, local senior center, extended family or local group or organization.
LITFB Is An Ideal Introductory Workshop For Fitness/Yoga/Dance or Pilates Instructors, Health Practitioners, Singles/Support/Recovery Groups, Child Life Advocacy Groups and Youth Sports Coaches. We can work with any team you're on. And... you make some $$$!

TSM's 'Somatic Improvisation: Leadership & Teamwork Skills' [SI]
80% of life skills are informal in nature. That means that you need two core resources to ensure that you'll thrive not only at work or school, but in your relationships and in your capacity to handle the unexpected events your life has in store. The 'real world rewards' two things: #1 Leadership in the moment and #2 Teamwork over time. Learning how you and others informally play these roles is linked to your identity.
Somatic Improvisation is what you do when you align your social role with your internal experience. During the 1st hour of the workshop, Dr. Mark will give you a guided tour of how you shaped both ends of this awareness and how you can use that to take your daily interactions with others to reach new, powerful levels of mutual clarity. Once you have the map, we'll set you loose in the territory by experimenting with your new tools, guided by Professor Val. She'll start you off working alone, then in groups of 2, then 3, then 4. You'll open your identity up to perspectives that your aren't necessarily accustomed to in order to allow them to experience the Somatic Improvisation's process first hand in a fun, supportive environment. Here's a workshop that we've seen impact the lives of students, teachers, sales teams, as well as families & couples.
The paradox of Leadership & Teamwork is that we are taught 100% of the social side of the coin in formal learning environments which we only get 20% of our life skills from. The result is a closed identity that internalizes all that. Through Somatic Improvisation students learn how to shift their awareness internally and free up their identity by accessing the unscripted and interactive world of informal learning. They learn to lead and follow.
Somatic Improvisation helps attendees:
* Develop communication skills to enhance learning in work and in life.
* Self-regulate ineffective reactions and responses to everyday stimuli.
* Have a much clearer recognition of behavioral biases and social rhythms
* Integrate a dynamic blend of verbal and nonverbal 'first aid' to better repair relationships, and withstand adversity
* Infuse their life with more emotional intelligence, especially when they encounter worldviews they oppose
SI Is An Ideal Introductory Workshop For Clients of Mental Health Professionals, College Orientation/Residential Life Organizers , Special Needs Groups, and Corporate Executive Retreats. We can work with any team you're on. And... just like LITFB, you make some $$$!
Surf Life With Us!
