The best part of my work in The Somatic Method (TSM) are the dynamics of The 4 Domains. It's been the most elusive and most fascinating aspect for both novices and experts. This is my effort to introduce you to the process and also invite you to join the conversation about the domains by sending me your private questions.
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With that said, let's begin. There are three imaging tests to do to get a fast take on what your primary domain most likely is. Record your answers and check your e-mail for feedback. Below is the somatic signature inventory for each domain that you can use to further decide which part of 'soma space' is your natural habitat. Be sure and listen to my weekly 'Soma Sense" audio almanac to keep your somatic awareness of the 4 domains sharp out there in the wild. Before you take these tests, here's a little overview to help you realize we're dealing wiith discovering a moving target within you. TSM focuses on helping you identify the features, cues and tendencies that these embodied rhythms expresse so you can notice how it manifests when you're communicating to yourself, others or the natural and social world around you. It's like driver's ed for inner life. Just like outer life we start by getting the mirrors adjusted. With that, let's get started with some prep steps...then enjoy the ride!
The Mirror Test
This is an self-awareness trick that allows you to use your reflection as discovery tool. We're usually on auto pilot when we look at ourselves in the mirror. By making purposeful eye contact with our reflection we are giving our social nervous system a signal to refresh itself. In as little as 4 seconds, we'll breathe, blink and behold our image in of the 4 orientations described in the test. Click the picture below to go to the testing page. Then click the Somatic Signature Survey icon on the testing page. That returns you here to record your answer in the field provided below. You'll receive feedback about your selection via e-mail once you take all three of the imaging tests. Feel free to try it several times and see which orientation consistently shows up.
The Animal Eyes Test
Another fun way to let the domains show themselves to you is by profiling your eyes. Each of the four choices given on this test describe the animal nature of your eyes physical appearance. Again, we're dealing with a pattern not a label. Which one of them do you eyes resemble more often than not? The animal associated with eye one is not a mistake. You'll also feel a sense of connection to that particular animal as well, as if to say I am a __________ most of the time in my social interactions. Discovering the aspect of your somatic self goes a long way because now you can shift from describing WHO you are to people from the outside-in to WHAT you are from the inside-out. This level of self-recognition is a very valuable resource to have on board when life gets bumpy. OK, same drill as the last time... go to the testing page and then click the Somatic Signature Survey icon there and record your answer in the field provided below. You'll receive feedback about your selection via e-mail once you take all three of the imaging tests. Feel free to hold pics of yourself next to the image provided there.

The Vibe Test
Finally, the vibe test is where you include your whole body in the process. We have hundreds of conversations per say that we're aware and thousands that we are completely unaware of until they register as tension or a vibration in the body. That energetic instinctive pluck tells us if we're safe, unsafe or in grave danger. It's part of the early warning system we have called neuroception, a term coined by researcher Stephen Porges, Ph.D. If we become aware of the dominent direction our social vibration flows we can more easily improvise like a jazz musician when we are interacting with others or a new environment to regain a felt-sense of safety. If you're ready to dance, click the picture below to go to the testing page. Bounce back here using the icon and record your answer in the field provided below. You'll receive feedback about your selection via e-mail once you take all three of the imaging tests. Feel free to try it several times and see which one descibes your typical experience.

For a fast overview of the signatures of each domain, click the pics below...
