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For the last generation a very usual collection of completely out-of-the-box thinkers gathered once a year to swap their ideas, opinions and experiences in an equally special forum. Led by our founder, Fred Abraham, this group attracted people from every field imaginable to hang out for a weekend.

But why?  

Unlike 99% of the crappy conferences people go to, the Winter Chaos Conferences were unique in both their scope and culture. Like Fred himself, the conferences were open-minded and let everyone address the whole group as one. So the economist, the ecologist and the engineer all spoke to the same audience. The common language was dynamical systems. [free on-line course here!] Some used math, some used metaphors and some used media to convey their message. Fred strived to keep the conferences low-key, all-inclusive and we usually had about 20 presentations/year. Click on the fractal below for the PDF of Fred's summary of last year's conference and ideas for the future.  

Now the challenge has changed. We enter a new generation this year with a different agenda. The Snowflake Forum, which is what we call this whole shebang, needs some fresh voices. We are putting out an OPEN CALL to invite the first 12 people to show interest in being part of our day long diatribe on SAT, MAR 22nd in Springfield, MA. There you'll be able to witness the transition from theory to application as we re-organize ourselves to operate in 2014's context of 24/7 social media. 

The upshot of this year's conference is that we convert the intellectual passion we all have for the utility of dynamical systems as a problem-solving process into a revenue generator. The applications of these ideas can save individuals, schools, businesses and communities untold amounts of time and money, not to mention avoidable pain and needless suffering...To not recognize and understand the reality of all this turbulence is a recipe for disaster. Our circle has solutions that need to get into the nooks and crannies of society and reshape the way people take on this highly unstable time. 


Attend WC 22
If you have any interest or experience in dynamical systems, we'd love to hear from you ASAP.
Click the pic below and complete the form and we'll add your seat to the table. Bring your A-game. ;)


Contribute to WC 22
Can't make it? Too far away? Live on another continent? Noooooooo problem...

Click the pic below and complete the form and be part of our on-line contributors. We'll take your questions and any posted material you'd like to share and add it to our morning discussion. We'll have someone (or a posse of us?) live Tweeting about it the day of the conference and they'll be a post-conference group call following things too. Unlike other years, the actual conference is the START of a calendar year of sustained group activity. We committed to getting these tools out there in the real world and off the walls of the ivory towers they've been bouncing of off for last 40 years...  


Be sure and join our Google Group for a 24/7 taste of some of the topics we're digging...

Any other questions? Ping me directly by clicking the quote bubble...


See you in Springfield! Travel light...

Dr. Mark 


For those of you who's never attended one of these...this may or may not help. But it's funny!