Aug 13, 2012
10:11 PM
??The first time I went to try the game World of Warcraft without a friend and without WOW gold in my account, I emptied my bags and got a flask and yadda, when I was all set,Runescapre gold, I realized I've never have the nerve to hit the button, and it was silly for me to waste the time to get ready. Eventually I was feeling brave one night and tried it, and then it was sometimes I could, sometimes I couldn't. I could never do dungeons all the time even with a good group, all the movement bothers my arthritis and I was never good at traditional video games skills (lots of other things in WoW I do enjoy, though, so that's why I play). But the dungeon finder is problematic for WOW gold; I wonder what Blizzard is really intended to do it.
??Casual players think it's supposed to be a way for them to try out instances, even if they have a chaotic schedule so they can't sign up for runs, or they don't belong to a big guild, etc. But many experienced players think it should only be used by people who already know all the dungeons. The other day even drama mamas said you should know the encounters ahead of time (by reading up on them) so I guess that's the accepted answer. But in ordre to get the reward like WOW gold you have to take a random dungeon, and it's impossible to read up on every dungeon ahead of time and keep them straight, but then if you're casual and don't have time to run, you don't want to go without the reward for the dungeons you do. So the system seems to have a conflict of interest built.
??Most people are more abusive in the past, and they aren't very inviting in-game at all. I've been playing since the zombie invasion patch before Lich King and I've never seen end-game content when it is mainly due to the actions of others. I just get fed up with it and shut it off. I am from the Pong/Atari era and we never dreamed of being as abrasive as most of the folks population in WOW right now. Maybe it was because we were sitting next to each other while playing and making WOW gold, instead of being miles apart in relative anonymity.