Aug 15, 2012
12:01 AM
??Guild is always very helpful for the players and I find the Guild which could help anxiety-ridden players get a little help from their friends who is very awesome and already got much WOW gold in the game! I joined the second week of its life and I don't regret it at all. Everyone who has wanted to experience things should join. I had personally never killed the Lich King during WotLK,Runescapre gold, and I really wanted to. I scheduled a raid for the guild and we killed him. We killed him 3 times in 2 weeks. We're now currently trying to see all the Cataclysm raids before MoP comes out. We were able to take down BWD and Tot4W. With enough effort and faith to get WOW gold, we'll be able to defeat the rest!
??I joined this guild a couple of months ago and it has truly improved my experience in this game. I've been playing since 2007, and have been looking for a guild to call home since then. Most of my guild and grouping experiences in this game have been negative and I had resigned myself to soloing. I read about this guild on the WoW forums, and decided to take a chance and transfer one of my characters to try out the guild. I can say, it's one of the best decisions I've made in regards to this game. I have met some fantastic and understanding people, and have seen content I never thought I would see. I unfortunately do not play much and get much WOW gold, but I always feel welcome when I do log on and join in events. Many thanks and love to my guildies in Swords.
??I joined this guild only 2 weeks after it was created, I rolled a new toon on my specifically to join. I didn’t know how long I'd stay on it, I had an 85 alliance on another server that had been my main and I thought I'd just stick around to make some friends while I play on an alt. 3 months later that new toon is my new main, I couldn’t imagine ever leaving these guys and where I was too afraid to ever join a dungeon before, I'd never done a raid in all the years I'd played in my way to get WOW gold, I'm now leading weekly events and doing things I never thought I would. This guild is absolutely great.